Aurora Living Fall 2024 Module 1

NOW WELCOMING 2024 Applicants


Learning, integrating and practicing a contemplative way of living in response to the call to love and serve our communities, our global family and care for our common home.

To learn more about Aurora Living’s full two-year program click on this link: 

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Creation: Stories of Beginnings

Event Details

Each culture has a creation story that addresses deep truths about our place and purpose in the world. In this module, the core stories from the book of Genesis and Laudato Si’ will serve as the backdrop to our learning.


Opening Retreat: Earthkeeping in the Way of Jesus with Rick Faw
Weekend, September 27-29, 2024
Friday 6:30 pm - Sunday 4:30 pm       

Mid-Gathering: St. Hildegard’s "Viriditas" Meets Thomas Berry’s "Spirituality of Earth" with Maureen Wild, SC
Saturday, October 26, 2024
9:00 am - 4:30 pm                              

Final-Gathering: When the First Light Came with Harry Lafond
Saturday, November 23, 2024
9:00 am - 4:30 pm 


Rick Faw has been a lead educator at A Rocha Canada since 2004. In 2014 he became the Vice President of Programming, and in 2022 moved into the role of Education Director. Rick combines academic backgrounds in science (BSc) and theology (MCS) with a love for the outdoors. His desire is for people to care for creation as they integrate Christian discipleship with their experience of the created world. Rick’s family (Crista and their teenagers, Jared and Zoë), lives and plays alongside five other households at Kingfisher Farm in the Tatalu watershed (aka the Little Campbell River) of Surrey, BC. When he’s not working with A Rocha, Rick enjoys hiking, kayaking, biking, and other outdoor adventures. He’s also particularly fond of board games and berries.

Maureen Wild, SC A teacher by profession, Maureen’s M.Ed. focused on the evolving story of our universe and earth literacy. In 1994 she was a founding member of, and a committed volunteer for, the international network, Sisters of Earth (, who follow the teachings of Thomas Berry and explore cosmos/earth as manifesting our sacred story with its many implications for living in balance and right relationship. Featured in the book, Green Sisters (Harvard Univ Press, 2007), Maureen served as educator and director for two ecological learning centres (US and Canada). She has led spiritual ecology programs and retreats internationally for 25 years. On the BC coast, she helped the Gabriola Ecumenical Society develop inter-spiritual programing that nurtures spiritual questing. She’s currently on the Board of the Gabriola Memorial Society who advocate for the creation of a natural burial cemetery, and she oversees a community garden where she also gardens with families and seniors.  She serves at local seniors’ monthly lunches hosted by People for a Healthy Community (PHC) as part of their Circle of Care for Seniors; a program she cofounded in 2011 with the aid of a grant from her congregation.

Harry Lafond is an advocate for Indigenous Peoples and the Cree language. He has a range of experience in politics and academics, and served as the executive director of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner and as chair of the Board of Trustees First Nations Trust. He has served his nation as chief, and worked as the Director of Education and as the principal of Kihiw Waciston School. Harry is also a university lecturer who guides his students in developing visions for reconciliation in their own lives, and inspires participation beyond the classroom.

Ron Rolheiser OMI, is an internationally-known writer, retreat leader and spiritual theologian. Born in Macklin, SK, he is author of numerous books including Sacred Fire: A Vision for Deeper Human and Christian Maturity and is well-known for his regular newspaper column carried worldwide. He is a former professor at Newman Theological College in Edmonton and past-president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas.


REGISTRATION: Early Registration Ends September 1st. All registrations include online resource login, plus additional resources (books/public lectures) and optional spiritual direction.

Early Online via Zoom .................. $690
Early Commuter ........................... $780
(includes scheduled lunches & suppers)
Early Live-In ................................ $870
(includes two-night stay and all scheduled meals)

After September 1st
Online via Zoom ................. $720
Commuter ........................... $830
(includes scheduled lunches & suppers)
Live-In ................................ $920
(includes two-night stay and all scheduled meals)




Friday September 27, 20247:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday September 28, 20249:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday September 29, 20249:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday October 26, 20249:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday November 23, 20249:00 am - 4:30 pm





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