Star Gazer W5

The Star of the North Retreat Centre continues to work out its commitment to reconciliation by providing space for listening, learning, & healing. We will continue to learn from Indigenous elders, artists, & healers. Our on-going Reconciliation Through Justice series features Indigenous presenters speaking on their passion, within the horizon of justice as healthy, healing relationships. Our Aurora Living program will work through the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action, the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls Report, & the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Truth & Reconciliation Gatherings in February

We’d like to take a minute to put two Truth & Reconciliation gatherings on your radar that are happening this February, with hopes you can join us and help spread the word.

Firstly, we are excited to be welcoming back Lewis Cardinal, the Project Manager for “kihcihkaw askiy–Sacred Land” in Edmonton, the first designated urban Indigenous ceremony grounds in Canada. Lewis is joining us for a full-day retreat on Saturday, February 10 entitled Sacred Land to explore the value of Indigenous healing practices and how communities thrive when they have a strong and vibrant connection to culture and traditions. Lewis Cardinal will weave together storytelling, wisdom, and experience from his long track record in Indigenous education, media production, and public service. 

Early pricing for this retreat ends this Friday, February 2nd at noon.
Register now to join us in-person ($100) or online ($70). or call 780-459-5511 to register


Secondly, we hope you can rejoin us in-person or online for our next Reconciliation Through Justice evening on Thursday, February 15 at 7:00 pm (MT) as we welcome Elders Jo-Ann and Jerry Saddleback to speak on the topic A Plains Cree Perspective of Treaty 6.

Jo-Ann Saddleback is Elder Advisor for the Edmonton Public Library, City of Edmonton on various levels, Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM), Dreamspeakers Festival Society, and many others. She is asked to many reserves and organizations to share her teachings. Jerry Saddleback is the Elder-in-Residence for Maskwacîs Cultural College, where he was Dean of Cultural Studies on and off for decades. He was Spiritual Advisor to Truth and Reconciliation Commission and is Elder for many organizations including City of Edmonton. He works with reserves and organizations across Treaty 6 territory. Together they work on their art, and own and operate Câhcacêp Art & Tea House in Edmonton, Alberta.

Suggested donation: $20 or call 780-459-5511 to register

Celebration, Connection & Creativity in February

Celebrate St. Valentine and begin your Lenten journey with friends, family and loved ones! Or simply join us for a community luncheon, deliciously prepared by The Star staff. On the menu, there is a fish and chip lunch, with salads and dessert. Buy an individual lunch ticket or reserve an entire table for a group. All are welcome! 

Star Community Luncheon St. Valentine’s & Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14 , noon to 2 pm
Individual: $21.50 | Table of 7: $150
Registration closes February 7 or call 780-459-5511


Come connect and create with us! Artful Reflection Evenings are a great way to unwind and rediscover the joy of creating. Creativity is a way to channel our connection to the Divine. Too often creativity is pushed aside or last on the list; but creating should be part of our everyday priorities. These evenings provide a way to add creativity to our busy schedules.

‘Welcome Spring!’ - Join local artist Beverly Bunker in crafting a stand-alone card that can be used for gift-giving or to use as a lovely piece on a table or mantle, or as part of a centrepiece. Bring a friend and share the creativity process. A short reflection opens the evening. Bev provides step-by-step instructions to guide you into creating your own embossed cards, with all materials and supplies included. 

Artful Reflection Evenings: Embossed Cards
Wednesday, February 21, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Early Registration ends February 1st: $30 | After February 1: $40 or call 780-459-5511

Preparations for the Lenten Journey

“This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer” — Jesus, Mark 9:29
 “We may not be able to fix some things, but it is important to name them properly” —  Richard Rohr

A desert is where distractions are taken away and deeper issues can emerge. Lured Into the Desert is a retreat experience of a “poustinia,” the Russian word for “desert”. Centered on the practice of Lectio Divina, this retreat will allow participants sacred time to name their need for healing, and to experience it through prayer and fasting. You are invited into the desert, to join Lucie Leduc and Bishop Sylvain OMI in a unique 24-hour poustinia healing experience, beginning Friday evening and ending with supper on Saturday.

Lured Into the Desert: The Healing Power of Prayer & Fasting
Friday, March 1 at 6:30 pm to Saturday, March 2 at 6:30 pm MT

Early Registration ends February 1st: In-House $ 200 | Commuter $140 | Online $110 or call 780-459-5511


An emotive storyteller, Rembrandt van Rijn goes beyond representation to lead the viewer into the biblical drama. In our walk of life and faith, the timeless art of Rembrandt invites us to explore the light of God as it shines in our dark places. Join local art historian and pastor, Tony Maan, author of Rembrandt’s Jesus: Meditations on the Life of Christ for an evening of Lenten reflections and renewal as we journey with Jesus through the eyes of the Dutch master.

Rembrandt’s Jesus: Reflections for Lent
Thursday, March 14 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Early Registration: $20 • After February 15: $30 or call 780-459-5511


Les femmes et la résurrection retraite en français 

Durant cette retraite, vous aurez l’occasion de découvrir la foi de différentes femmes du Nouveau Testament et la façon dont la résurrection de Jésus les a transformées. Leurs histoires résonneront en nous et nous feront réfléchir sur nos propres chemins de résurrection. Avec Sr. Catherine, nous cheminerons avec la femme Cananéenne, la veuve de Naïm, et Marthe et Marie. Avec Caroline, vous découvrirez comment Jésus a marqué la vie des femmes aux pieds de la croix et des femmes de l’église naissante (Romains, 16, 1-2). En cette fin de Carême, alors que Pâques approche à grand pas, prenons le temps de nous préparer à accueillir la résurrection et à nous laisser renouveler par Jésus ressuscité!

Les femmes et la résurrection retraite en français
Du vendredi 15 mars à 18h30 au samedi 16 mars à 19h30

Tarif anticipé (avant le 15 février)
Résident 260 $ | Navetteur 180 $ | En ligne 140 $ or call 780-459-5511

Professional Development & Spiritual Formation

Embark on a transformative odyssey with The Inclusion Journey Workshop Series: From Antiracism Awareness to Empowered Action. This 3-session workshop series is a dedicated exploration of pivotal topics—unmasking bias, navigating intent vs. impact (microaggression), and embracing cultural competence, designed to unravel the intricacies of contemporary racism.

In a world yearning for change, these workshops provide a safe and enlightening space to confront systemic bias, challenge misconceptions, and pave the way for tangible transformation. Join intercultural facilitator and author Maria Drueco for this transformative journey. 

The Inclusion Journey: From Awareness to Action
3 Wednesday evenings, March 6, 13, & 30 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Offered In-Person and Online. Early Registration: $90 • After Feb. 15: $120 or call 780-459-5511

Aurora Living: Formation Through Word & Creation is now accepting early applicants for our spring module–New Creation: Hope in Troubled Times–which starts mid-April 2024. We continue to invite other lay leaders, teachers, clergy and administration to consider engaging other life-long learners in a community at the intersection of faith and contemporary issues such as creation care, justice & reconciliation.

Each 3-month Aurora module is offered both in-person or online and includes an opening retreat weekend plus two Saturday retreats, smaller Wisdom Circle gatherings, monthly online resources and optional spiritual direction. The presenters for our Spring 2024 module include Becky Moritz-Bonham, Dr. Sheila Smith, and Ron Rolheiser. Inclusive of everyone, we invite you to join us on this journey of hope and action! Do you have a higher-education goal? Contact us about how Aurora Living can contribute to your Master’s degree. 

In scripture, Revelation is the book of new creation, opening a horizon of hope in troubling times. God makes everything new; brings life out of death. Today the signs of death are all around us. We face complex global challenges, a climate emergency, and the systematic violation of human rights. “The earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor” (LS 2). Like the letters to the churches in Revelation, Laudato Si’ is also a call to live consciously and justly, to be co-creators with God in the care of our common home.

Our early-registration deadline for our Winter Module is March15th. Simply respond to this email and let us know you’re interested!

Aurora Living Spring Module 2024
New Creation: Hope in Trouble Times

April 12-14 Opening Retreat
May 11 Saturday Mid-Gathering
June 1 Saturday Final Gathering

Early Pricing: Online $550 | Commuter $700 | Live-In $875 or call 780-459-5511

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