Star Gazer W39
Reconciliation Through Justice Series
The Reconciliation Through Justice speaker series is a continuation of the well-received Together We Heal series, moving us toward action. For former TRC commissioner Chief Willie Littlechild, reconciliation follows a process of truth-telling, healing, forgiveness, and justice. Others would say an apology only takes on meaning when there is action.
This three-session series entitled Reconciliation Through Justice will focus on the issues of housing, water and land. We welcome elder Fred Gloade and Carola Cunningham on Thursday evening, September 29 at 7:00 pm MT to speak to us on the issues surrounding housing. Join us in-person or online. Registration at 780-459-5511 or at Donations are welcome.
Fred Gloade is the current co-chair for the Saint Vincent dePaul housing initiative exploring Indigenous housing in the Ottawa area. During his long tenure as a civil servant, Fred served as Chair of the National Council of Aboriginal Federal Employees (NCAFE), representing more than 6,000 Aboriginal federal employees.
Carola Cunningham has over forty years of experience in Education, Justice, Community Wellness and Addictions Recovery. This work continues in her role as CEO of Niginan Housing Ventures that builds, designed and develops housing Initiatives primarily for Indigenous people, such as Ambrose Place; a harm reduction, permanent supportive housing program that is guided from Indigenous world view.
Women’s Retreat: Only 4 In-Person Spots Left
It’s a bittersweet problem to have, but we have to let you know that there are now only 4 live-in or commuter spaces available for our upcoming Women’s Retreat—Ways of the Heart: Reimagining Compassion, October 14-16 at Star of the North. Of course there is unlimited space for those who’d like to join online.
Find more information and register at to avoid disappointment. Registration closes October 7th.
This special weekend with Glenda Sartore and Sandra Prather is a time to explore both compassion and self-compassion and how they are intertwined. Discover the role and importance of boundaries to compassionate living, and how compassion, consolation, and comfort interconnect to support a rich, full, and sustainable life of love.
Drawing on a rich history of Christian spirituality, insights in neurobiology and psychology, and the wisdom of such writers as Brene Brown, Sandy and Glenda will explore a ‘reimagining’ of our understanding of compassion. Our time together will include opportunities for gentle yoga, meditation, ritual, prayer, reflection and celebration time.
Join a 3-Part Series with Sr. Teresita Kambeitz
Outcasts Who Belong: Jesus & The Unnamed Women in the Gospels is a 3 day scripture series with Sister Teresita Kambeitz, on November 8th, 15th & 22nd. Jesus, an “outsider”, shared the lot of women who were outcasts due to their status, infirmity or lifestyle. In these presentations we will reflect (with visuals and stories) on the encounters of the outsider Jesus with ten unnamed outsider women who belong as insiders in the new world he came to establish.
Sr. Teresita will be joining us via livestream video for this powerful scripture series.
There are two time options for taking these sessions: afternoons (1:30 to 3:30 pm MT) or evenings (7:00 to 9:00 pm MT).
There are also two viewing options for these sessions: online or with others at Star of the North (with a projection screen).Sister Teresita Kambeitz works with teachers who are pursuing their Master of Religious Education degree, teaches scripture in several adult faith enrichment programs and conducts retreats throughout Saskatchewan and beyond. Her vocation as teacher has been carried out in Swift Current, in Saskatoon at Holy Cross High School and St. Thomas More College, and in Edmonton at Newman Theological College, as well as overseas in summer courses for teachers in the British Virgin Islands, Barbados, Venezuela, Latvia and South Africa.
Register at Early registration price of $90 (online or in-person) ends October 15th.
The What, Why, Where & How of Being a Synodal Church
The synodal process has always been about transforming us as a church: we are meant to continue on the path of ‘walking together in the Spirit.’ But we have questions! What are we being called to? Why are we being called to it? And most importantly, how are we to do this? What does being ‘synodal’ even look like? Furthermore, why should I care? What’s my part in all this?
Join Sandy Prather for an informal evening—Thursday, November 10th at 7:00 pm MT—where we explore questions, propose responses, and in doing so, perhaps discover our place in a synodal church. Online or in-person cost: $20, register by October 15 at
A Spirituality for the Wanderers
To doubt and question and struggle in faith is human. Most people get this. Most of us have held out our questions in shaking hands, wept our struggle into silent showers, Bibles, or pillows. Thrown our own questions to the clouded sky or midnight winds, seeking any kind of a sign, an answer. Hoping to hear a word of comfort: It’s ok. You’re not alone.
How we see our struggles, doubts, and questions, as enemies to faith or guides to a healthy, robust faith really matters. As writer Laura Jean Truman puts it: "The whole thing about wandering is you honestly don’t know where you’re going. The whole thing about wondering is you can’t be sure what the answer is when you ask a question.?.. It definitely feels safer to start with the answer! But underneath the superficial security, that way of being a Christian is really scary. Your security was bought at the price of your wondering, wandering heart. And your whole, free heart is a lovely thing. It is beautiful to the world, & beloved by God. That wholeness of self is a heartbreaking thing to sacrifice.?"
Your Whole, Free Heart is a weekend online or in-person retreat, November 25-27 for the wonderers and wanderers. If you’ve recently left a church, been patronized or chastised for questioning the religious status quo, or found yourself caught in a season of spiritual struggle or disillusionment, this will be a gathering of fellow wanderers. Join a safe space for honouring the journey, confronting your fears and befriending your doubts, and reframing the hard work of spiritual deconstruction as God’s good work within you.
Visit for registration details. Early registration ends October 15.