Star Gazer W12

Prayers for the Delegation to Rome
March 28 to April 1, 2022

The Star of the North invites you to join in prayer for the Indigenous, Metis, Inuit Delegation to Rome.  Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie leaves for Rome March 26th to be available as part of an unofficial secondary delegation and to be a ministry of presence to the delegates.  We have lit a candle in solidarity with those across the country praying throughout these days. We join OUR LADY of GUADELUPE CIRCLE in prayer: 

Intercede for us with your Son O Blessed Virgin,
that we who live in this land,
Indigenous and Non-Indigenous together may experience healing and reconciliation,
on a renewed journey for justice and peace for our children. 
Mother of the Church, pray for us.

Aurora Living Registration Deadline

Why not join our spring module to grow personally and spiritually, and be more effectively involved in today’s Church and world? Special guests include: Ron Rolheiser OMI, Cheryl Wiskeyjack, Joan Chittister, Dr. Ray Aldred, Joe Gunn, Rohadi Nagassar, Becky Moritz Bonham, Steve Heinrichs and more. Registration closing soon, visit

"This program is exceptional in quality. Your hard work and extra efforts show and are appreciated."

"There are several things that I appreciate about this program, especially occasions to listen with compassion to stories of the journeys, past and present of our Canadian indigenous peoples, and the opportunities to meet other genuine seekers in meaningful and respectful conversations."

"Aurora rituals helped me connect my heart with the head learning and insights of the day."

"Threaded throughout are words of scripture, contemplative practices and issues pertaining to our natural and social environments. Throughout all is the possibility to grow in self awareness, all under the umbrella of Love!"

From Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie: Our Aurora Living formation program provides grounding and growing in the Word of God, “Laudato Si” Care for Creation, community building, contemplative prayer, and justice as right relationship. It is informative, formative and transformative, with a focus on spiritual exploration. An inter-faith dimension provides a rich exchange and learning experience about current faith and justice issues, such as the TRC Calls to Action, within a spirit of respectful dialogue. The monthly wisdom circles are an effective way of teaching communal skills of listening, speaking and discerning through personal and intellectual sharing to integrate the rich content of the process. 


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