Beverly Bunker
Spiritual Director

I began doing spiritual direction in 1995 after completing the Pacific Jubilee Spiritual Direction Program. Over the years, I have taken various courses in psychology, conflict resolution, the Work of Byron Katie, and recently I have begun studying the Compassionate Inquiry program with Dr. Gabor Maté. These forms of inquiry help to uncover core issues, emotions, and false beliefs that have obscured connection to self and thus blocked a deeper relationship with one’s spiritual tradition/path. They have been important to me and I am motivated to share them in a compassionate, gentle, and balanced way in spiritual direction.I am a professional oil painter/teacher, now semi-retired. I paint florals, portraits and landscapes in a realistic but slightly loose style. I also paint still-life subjects in a trompe l’oeil style with precision in both color application and brushwork.
Contemplative prayer and centering prayer have been important to my spiritual journey and I have also learned various meditation practices through Zen Buddhism. I have led meditation workshops privately and in various locations.
Pacific Jubilee Spiritual Direction Program – 1993 to 1995
Newman Theological College – 1987 to 1993
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises – 1990 to 1992
Anamcara Soul Companion through Sacred Art of Living Centre – 2020 to 2023
This program included:
- a series of modules during the first year called Healing the Healers;
- one year of learning and experiencing other world traditions in their healing practices, rituals and compassionate practices towards those who suffer;
- a final year called Soul of Wellness in which we explored our own relational experiences of our own suffering as well as with those who suffer, through learning about our neurobiology and understanding how we function under stress, with the guided expertise of mentors assigned to us personally as well as a collective group;
- hands-on spiritual practices included leaning into our own pain with support, understanding, and self-compassion, while being mentored entirely throughout the entire 3 years as we encountered our own insights, growth and transformation, with exercises guided by our amazing mentors.
“I don’t know Who — or what — put the question, I don’t know when it was put. I don’t even remember answering. But at some moment I did answer Yes to Someone — or Something — and from that hour I was certain that existence is meaningful and that, therefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal.” ~ Dag Hammarskjöld